i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here:
Anon: I ordered the book hunted online!
If you want i can sell it to you, hahahs.
I'm done with it, and it's in perfect condition.
Do email me at if you're interested!
Su: Lol, it just sounds funny in that sense yah?
and obviously i don't know, lol i don't drive.
Boochimpy: Daiso!
Yuki: Yes it is (:
Question: Just pull the glue off lor,
the lash glue from ardell that i'm using is great,
you can pull the dried glue off and reuse it and it's like new (:
Passerby: Hahahas, she is cute!
Jessmiex: Hahahas, NP!
Lemme know what's your haul! :D
Zerine: Hahahahs, yeah,
recently ettusais got quite alot of new products yah,
it makes me so excited to see new products too! :D
Reader: Yes, Kristen Steward will
still be acting as bella in new moon (:
Mel: Hahahas yeah, loooong way!
Shu Fen: Hahahas, despite that,
i will still wear! LOL!
Zerine: Hahahas, yeah dollymix is a really great blusher shade!
Suits fair skinned girls and even like my slightly tanned skin!
Lol, sobs, mac got sale but it's a private sale.
I wish i know anybody working in estee lauder
then i can prolly get the ticket for the sale!
Sheila: Yeah i love the whole series of house of night
including hunted! You should check out that series
I've been reading like loooots of vampire-y books after twilight
and house of night is one of my favourite lol.
Xoxo: Maybe you can email me your qns?
Hahahas, your question like super long/hard to reply here!
Mai: Yup they do accept nets!
Passerby: Hahahs, google translate.
Kat: Hahahs, yah i do.
but lesser now thou, i try to spend my own money
from my events jobs etc luh.
Hi: It's somewhere near farrer park
but i don't know the exact address!
we just saw an idian restaurant and just went in! lol
Sarah: Hey babe, Awww! thank you, i didnt get it see it thou!
Hahahas, were you checking out stage's cosmetics?
By the way, i won't be answering qns like,
oh, how much is this eyeshadow,
how much does XXX brand's blusher cost?
Honestly, i have a hell lot of cosmetics,
how the heck would i remember all the prices?
And it's not that hard to find out these info online.
Fully utilise google please people,
you can like google "cozycot cosmetics pricelist"
and i bet there will be the info you need.
I'm not a super every cosmetic brand's sales assistant.
Boyf came to pick me up after church and
we went to have katong laksa for lunch!
Then went over to parkway parade to get my Twilight DVD!
then the deleted scenes, interview, MV yadda yadda,
it's totally aweeeeeeesome!
Ahhhh, I'm so darn looking forward to new mooooon!
LOL, i was chatting with this old friend on msn the other day,
he was like telling me he's damn happy with his 8-5 army
but he regret not going to the army band audition
cos he had a gig that day.
Lol, it just reminds me of my secondary school days,
every monday we sing our school song and our school band
will be playing and i rmb i always stare at this nerd nerd guy
playing the clank clank thingy,
Cymbal or whatever-it's-called.
And like he is super nerdy, skinny legs,
kuku hair and combined with that..
CLANK CLANK CLANK! He looks absooooolutely hilarious!
Lol, my mum told me she was in band too
and she was in trumpet but she blow trumpet
until she had a nose bled and the instructor transferred her
and made her do the CLANK CLANK thing.
HAHAHAHAS she told me she was like super upset.
Lol, then he says i'm so mean and told me
that the CLANK CLANK guy good luh, even funeral also got use that.
Then i told him, GOOD WHAT!
Recession won't affect him leh,
lol, still can do funeral gigs if he want!
DV8 from the China Glaze OMG Collection I LOVE IT!
... Lol, duck feet. lol
Seeeeee, after a long day in school i gave boyf a PEDICURE!
HAHAHAHAS. My mum say leon like my maid!
Hahahahas, Boyf bought me the phat thai that i love from
his school area for meeee! Yums yums!
Went out with my darlings today,
Miss Shirley GPY is such a slooooow poke today!
eMake the both of us wait in that horrrrrrible
absolutely-can-melt-anything weather!
While waiting, camwhore! ^-^

Went to watch Hotel For Dogs, I love it!
We totally just couldn't stop "AAAAAAWWWWWW-ing"
Lol, it's so cute and sweet and emotional/touching at some parts!
Almost crieeeeeed, a must watch!!!

I miss them sooooo much, hardly get to see them anymore!
Pouts. ):
Came home with two lovely packages waiting for me!
And i got back my accounts paper result, B! Yay!
sent me this super sweet and girly bracelet!
I loooooove it~~
Our couple rings are heeeeere! :D
I was sooooo super excited when i saw the parcel
i was like ripping it open! Hahahahs
it's so pretty i don't wanna take it off! Ever!
Hehehe, ordered from Gmarket again!
This time boyf bought some pants/tops as well!
And i got some cosmetics, tee. So excited~
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves!
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